
Metal Braces

Achieve a Confident Smile with Traditional Orthodontic Treatment

Metal braces have long been a trusted and effective orthodontic treatment for correcting misaligned teeth and achieving a straight, beautiful smile. At Wexford Dental, our experienced orthodontic team utilizes metal braces to address various dental concerns. Discover the benefits, treatment duration, suitability, and essential information for maintaining your braces during treatment.

How long will the braces treatment take?

The duration of metal braces treatment varies depending on the individual case. On average, metal braces are worn for 18 to 36 months. During regular progress check-ups, our orthodontic team will monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to achieve optimal results efficiently.

Is Braces the Right Solution for Me?

Metal braces are a versatile treatment option suitable for individuals of various ages with different orthodontic needs. During an initial consultation, our orthodontic specialists will evaluate your specific case and determine if metal braces are the right treatment choice for you.

Commonly asked questions about Braces

  • How do metal braces work?

    Metal braces use brackets and wires to apply gentle pressure to gradually move teeth into their desired positions over time.

  • Will metal braces be painful?

    Discomfort may be experienced initially and after adjustments, but it is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers and wax to soothe any irritation.

  • Can I play sports or musical instruments with metal braces?

    Yes, although you may need to take precautions, such as wearing a mouthguard for contact sports and adjusting your technique for certain musical instruments.

  • Can I still eat my favorite foods with metal braces?

    While there are some restrictions, such as sticky or hard foods, most foods can still be enjoyed with proper caution and care.

  • How often will I need to visit the orthodontist for adjustments?

    Typically, visits for adjustments are scheduled every 4 to 6 weeks, although the frequency may vary based on your treatment plan.

  • How long do I need to wear metal braces?

    The duration of metal braces treatment can range from 18 to 36 months, depending on the complexity of your case and your individual response to treatment.

  • How do I clean my teeth and braces?

    It's important to maintain good oral hygiene during treatment. Brushing and flossing techniques will be demonstrated, and additional tools like interdental brushes or floss threaders may be recommended.

  • Will braces affect my speech?

    While there may be an adjustment period, any speech changes caused by braces are typically temporary as you adapt to the presence of the brackets and wires.

  • Can I still participate in social activities with braces?

    Yes, braces should not hinder your social life. Metal braces are a common orthodontic treatment, and many people have them. You can still smile, laugh, and socialize with confidence.

  • What happens after my braces are removed?

    After the removal of your braces, you will be provided with a retainer to maintain your newly straightened teeth. Retainers help prevent teeth from shifting back into their original positions.

Every smile is unique.

So is every budget.

As with any orthodontic treatment, the cost can be of concern. Of course, some insurance plans cover part or all of the treatment costs but we also offer financial solutions to make it work for you. We offer our in-house payment plans that includes an initial portion at the start of the treatment and the remaining being split across the duration of the treatment. Additionally, we also offer third party financing for greater flexibility.

Our partnership with LendCare allows us to offer you flexible financing options so you can begin treatment sooner rather than later. Low monthly payments are accepted by direct deposit, check deposits, and debit card transactions.

Options include:

  • No down payment
  • Loan terms from 36 to 60 months
  • Merchant rates as low as 1%

Ahmad pays $51/mo for 36 months
Our quote $3401
Insurance covers $1600
Remaining balance $1801
Maria pays $125/mo for 24 months
Our quote $3001
Insurance covers Does not cover
Remaining balance $3001
George pays $200/mo for 24 months
Our quote $7101
Insurance covers $2301
Remaining balance $4801

These cases are examples only.

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